Google not showing the T20 doogle for Sri Lanka. Not Cool.

Today is the ICC worldcup T20 final, and we’re all excited because Sri Lankan cricket team is playing for the final against India.

The match is about to start in 4 hours time (13.00GMT) and since thursday Twitter and Facebook is buzzing with predictions, memes, and analysis of what will happen today.

This is a world cup, the 2nd most important cricketing event in the world. And to celebrate this Google has decided to change the Google doodle dedicated to the finals.

Google Doodle designed for ICC world T20, from

However unfortunately in Sri Lanka, for both and the doodle doesn’t show up,

Capture.PNG not showing the doodle.

fff.PNG visited from Sri Lanka

This is totally not cool from Google, showing the doodle to every other country and except Sri Lanka. And as one of the teams playing for the finals and as former world champs I don’t get the reason behind Sri Lanka being left out without seeing the doodle.

Anyone has an idea how and why these google doodles show up for some countries and not for others? and how they missed the team playing for the finals

UPDATE : And google changed my doodle after we won the world cup.



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