BBS and buddhist terrorism

Recently I watched the BBS attacking a press conference organized by multi religious group including some buddhist monks. The video shared by a facebook page has been shared by more than 3300+ times on facebook by different users.

It was a shocker for me personally when most of the Facebook posts by other facebook pages doesn’t reach more than 100+ shares a single racists post has been shared more than 3300+ time on facebook.

Talking about the video the bbs attack was so horrifying, forcing another buddhist monk to apologize on camera and media or else “we’re gonna kill you” kind of approach, personally if I had such a pressure put on me by force I’ll definitely have a nervous breakdown.

Some people specially on Twitter and alternative social networking sites other than Facebook are against BBS, and asks bbs to be banned, or legal action have to be taken against them. However there are both sides of the coin in this matter.

Although I don’t agree with the bbs approach of doing things, I think there is some rationale in what they are talking. That sinhalese buddhists are being drained of opportunities especially in metro areas of the country and the percentage of buddhists in these areas are on the decline. This is the fact that more and more people are gathering with BBS.

Still I don’t think all the blame can be put on other races, some blame has to be taken up by Sinhala Buddhists as well.

Sinhalese are divided, there is no real unity among sinhalese, most don’t like to work hard but expect a good living. And they feel that there position is been threatened by growth of minorities in metro areas where minorities are getting better lives and increase in population.

However the only organization that talks about these problems openly is the BBS which has a very violent way of doing it. And because there is no one else that address these issues of sinhala buddhists, buddhist are gathering around the bbs. Although something BBS are being supported only by a minority, they are not. There are so many people who support BBS although they don’t actively take part in bbs activities.

However I don’t think just burning down, or stopping minority from doing businesses in metro areas and stopping increasing colonization are the way to go if sinhala buddhists have to succeed. Sinhala buddhists have to work hard, compete, forget all the minor differences in within them and work for their own development.

However in both sides there are people who are extremists and want another war in the country, and some want to add fuel to the increasing tension between them. The best example was the fake BBS twitter account that was set up by some unknown person/group that later got closed.

Also I think crushing/arresting BBS is also not the way to go. Everyone has their own opinions and they have the freedom to express them same goes with bbs. It’s up for us whether to accept or decline their opinions. And law should be there that things don’t go out of control.

I’m sure people will join if there are organizations that talk and address the problems of the sinhalese buddhists in a more peaceful way.


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