Chrome in Windows 8 mode

I’ve gotten a new update to my Chrome browser, and today I noticed they’ve given me a new option called** “Chrome in windows 8 mode”. Once you click it the browser relaunches itself as a separate app like when you are opening a windows 8 music app or modern skype.

It looks somewhat like chromium os, with a dark start menu at the bottom with icons showing Chrome, Gmail, Google search and youtube. When you click the start menu it shows all the browser based apps that you’ve installed on your computer.

It’s more like an operating system within another operating system, I’ve read this metro mode Chrome was coming but I thought it was more like opt in or with a separate download or add on.

I think it’s a smart move by Google, in doing this people will get more and more used to their Chrome os which they are slowly pushing. Also I guess they might (just might) make this metro mode default in future chrome releases, and I guess they will make it more and more Chromium OS like. So after using this for sometime people will get used to Chrome os and will not find it difficult to switch from Windows to Chrome os.

I couldn’t get get a screenshot because print-screen doesn’t work in metro Chrome, but it looks somewhat like this, but without the background image and black start menu.
Chromium os, photo via Wikipedia


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