MH370 the inevitable has happened.

So today we heard the long expected inevitable story that MH370 is assumed to be crashed somewhere in the southern Indian ocean with no survivors, as time went on this was more or so expected. Either the plane will never be found or the definite proof that the plane has crashed.

So the final conclusion is that MH370 crashed somewhere in the southern Indian ocean west of Perth. This has been assumed from new data coming from satellite data that first predicted that the flight has traveled north or south. They’ve used a new technology never been used in such an investigation before.

However although the story had a sad ending to it, the story still has some unanswered questions that will still go on, may be for years with people trying to find answers and still I feel that we’ll never find the real explanation to what happened to the plane.

I’m pretty baffled by the number of abnormal, random things that happened in a single crucial event with no connection to each other or at least with no connection that we can’t seem to grasp.

I feel really sad for the people who might have expected that somehow the missing plane will be found with survivors. I’ve been following this story since day one and I’ve never followed such a story before, I was wondering how can a plane just disappear just like that with all the technology that we’re having today?

Plus this has also taught some lessons for everyone after 9/11 attack, how the modern flight security can be improved like adding more live stream data from the flights etc.

With today’s projection of the new accurate flight path and sightings of debris in the ocean, I think we will find where the flight is, but I think we’ll never find what made the flight to end up in the bottom of the ocean.


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