Teenager arrested for posting hate porn on Facebook

There has been another unfortunate event surrounding Facebook, followed by the streak of events that happened before this that started people talking about censoring Facebook.

This time a teenager was arrested after he has posted nude pictures that he collected from a relationship that he has started with another girl on Facebook. Luckily this time no suicides and the person who did it has been apprehended.

The problem with social networking in this country is that no one properly understands how to use it, unlike us who started using the internet it was a time where people were very reluctant to share their real identities on Facebook and communication was mostly through email. So when social networking came along although it encouraged to share more openly and share everything people were cautious about what and what not to share.

But now a days kids are directly opened to an internet where social networking is everything and people share everything of their daily lives with the internet. So it’s easier to get carried away with this and fall in to crooks that are wanting to take advantage from innocent victims.

Also what makes the problem worse is the fact that parents and adults are virtually alien to the internet. Internet is relatively new to household consumers and internet is mostly being used by teens and young people. And adults who do use the internet are even more alien to social networking. Therefore there is no way parents and adults to track their kids on social networks giving them unlimited freedom on the web.

I think this alien nature of the web to adults started the topic about censoring Facebook. Because it’s a normal human nature to avoid things that are unknown to them. However I don’t think censoring is not the way to go, the way to go is educating the teens and kids about good internet usage when they are young.

What if teaching children at school about good internet behaviour as part of their curriculum?


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