The four SWs of success

This is from a radio show I overheard last night. The host was talking about the four SWs of success, which I think is a good concept for everyone. Here basically like the title say there are four SWs of success, let me explain.

1 - SW - Some will

The first SW is some will. Some will agree with you in life, some will buy your product, some will respect you, some will love you, some will be there for you in tough times. Basically there will be some in life that will agree with you.

2 - SW - Some won’t

As there will be some people who is there for you, there will be definitely some people who won’t be there. Some won’t like you, some won’t respect you, some won’t buy your idea or product, and definitely there will be some who will not love you.

3 - SW - So what

Although there are some people who doesn’t like you or love you, so what? Why care about the people who doesn’t like you or love you? Why waste time going after the people who doesn’t like you or love you, why waste time on your haters and people who doesn’t buy your product?

Just say so what, and move on with your life.

4 - Someone will be waiting

The last SW, although there are people who doesn’t like what you’re doing, there will be someone somewhere out there that is waiting to buy what you’re doing. And there will be definitely someone out there that is going to love you.

So there are the 4 Sws, Some will, some won’t, so what and someone will be waiting I think we can apply this for everything that we come across in life everyday. Rejection, losing, failures, and if we can be happy by thinking like this life isn’t life going to be better place than this?


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