Twitter showing more ads?

Is Twitter rolling out bigger ads and showing ads more regularly on Timelines than what they used to do before?

I’ve been noticing these bigger ads on Twitter, plus the ads pop up on top of my timeline more frequently now both on desktop and mobile. By ads I mean promoted tweets, tweets from businesses and organizations that have paid to be shown to people who are not following them.

One of these ads that showed up will share my email address that I used to sign up on Twitter and my name with the advertisers with just one click.


Plus I’m seeing increasing number of these kinds of ads popping up at the top of my timeline more regularly than usual. Maybe Twitter trying to be more aggressive in their monetizing giving their advertisers more options to gather information from the users and add more customers.

It seems this is a kind of a Twitter card called “Lead Generation Cards” that rolled out last year to selected number of business and seems like they are expanding the number of businesses that can use these kinds of “Twitter cards”. However these ads that show up on Twitter unlike Facebook are highly irrelevent.

Although Twitter has large number of users they seemed to have trouble in making money out of them just like Facebook is still trying to figure out a good way to monetize their one billion strong users. But will I share my information with third parties via Twitter? Never.


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