Online petition to protect Sinhalese people.  

An online petiotion on is circulating among Sri Lankans that calls the president to change the laws to protect Sri Lankan, sinhalese people.

The petition is called “Save the Endangered Sri Lankan Sinhala Race and Their Land”, although the title sounds more like a petition to save an endangered species like rhinos. the petition has gotten some popularity among internet users and at the time of writing it only needs 335 more signatures to reach its goal of 2500 signatures.

The petition goes on to say,

Sri Lanka has a Buddhist, Sinhala heritage but respects all religions, with a Sinhala democratic government that promotes peace and equality. Unfortunately, the democratic and pluralistic values of Sri Lanka are killing the Sinhala race. Their kindness is actually destroying them. If Sri Lanka continues to be weak, Sri Lanka will become a Muslim country. This ancient country and culture that belongs to the Sinhala people will be destroyed, changed or taken over by Muslims that are not original inhabitants of this sacred Island. Sri Lanka is the only place that the Sinhala people belong to. It is the only place in the world that speaks the Sinhala language.

The petition has gotten so popular that it has reached 200 signatures in just one day. The petition was started by a Sri Lankan in Boston according to the profile called “Anjula Amarasinghe”.

I don’t know whether this petition is racist or not, it’s totally up for you to decide, but the way the petition got popularity shows that although some people call BBS as terrorist organization majority of Sri lankan buddhists support their activity even though they don’t show it openly.

I personally find the title of the petition pretty hilarious like it;s about saving an endangered species, are Sinhalese people like endangered species?


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