Ruky +

Random thoughts, random rants

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Google not showing the T20 doogle for Sri Lanka. Not Cool.

Today is the ICC worldcup T20 final, and we’re all excited because Sri Lankan cricket team is playing for the final against India.

The match is about to start in 4 hours time (13.00GMT) and since thursday Twitter and Facebook is buzzing with predictions, memes, and analysis of what will happen today.

This is a world cup, the 2nd most important cricketing event in the world. And to celebrate this Google has decided to change the Google doodle dedicated to the finals.

Google Doodle designed for ICC world T20, from

However unfortunately in Sri Lanka, for both and the doodle doesn’t show up,

Capture.PNG not showing the doodle.

fff.PNG visited from Sri Lanka

This is totally not cool from Google, showing the doodle to every other country and except Sri Lanka. And as one of the teams playing for the finals and as former world champs I don’t get the...

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Amazon Dash

Amazon has released a new device called Amazon dash which they say will make shopping easy. It’s more like USB device that reads bar codes, and works with voice commands.

You scan the barcodes of what you want to buy or tell the dash by voice which it will add it automatically to your amazon shopping list. Which you can later review with your PC or mobile app and order them via amazon which they will deliver it you in the next day. The device is connected using the home wifi network.


It looks like a pretty nifty device, but I can’t understand the fact that why can’t they make a mobile app that works in the similar way, scan the barcode/oq code using the camera, use voice commands to order the things you want using the amazon account rather than making a completely separate device.

Maybe it is more dedicated to the adult, non tech people unlike teens who doesn’t use that many apps.


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Suspended animation trials begin on humans

Recently I posted about one of the modern advanced in technology, 3d printing is being used to treat medical conditions by replaceing human organs with 3d printing organs. Today I read [this story] something out of science fiction is coming to medicine. That is suspended animation.


Yes, surgeons at a hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania will soon start human trials with suspended animation, on patients coming with gunshot and stab injuries.

However it’s not like the science fiction suspended animation. They are hoping to cool the body with cold saline replacing the blood which will cool down the brain and heart first stopping their functions. Then later it’ll cool down other organs of the body. It’s somewhat like slowing down the time of your body

This will buy more time for the surgeons to repair your wounds that are lethal and regain consciousness later when the bleeding has...

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3D printed skull transplanted to patient

We live in a pretty amazing time in history and the future that’s ahead of all mankind is so fascinating it’s something worth living. Things that are under research in medicine is pretty awesome. From stem cells, to finding cure of aids, stopping aging, 3d printing and suspended animation are few of them.

Today I read this pretty awesome news about medicine where surgeons have successfully 3d printed a skull and transplanted it to a patient. Basically the patient was having a rare disorder that increased the thickness of the skull causing headache and difficulty in vision.

So the doctors managed to 3d print a skull out of plastic and remove the real skull and implant the 3d printed skull, in an operation that took nearly 23 hours.

They’ve used MRI and CT to map the skull of the patient and according to the measurements they’ve been able to 3d print the organ.

It’s one of the...

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Yesterday I read this post called friendzone from @Shailendree’s blog ‘Cause Pigs Can Fly’ so I decided to add my own ideas to the post.

I’m one of those people who rarely make friends, although I appear more outgoing and friendly online, in real life I’ve very few friends which most of them are from my school.

I think it’s nothing wrong for a boy to be friends with a girl, and a girl to be friends with a guy. Although the older generation still think it’s wrong, times have changed and they too should accept that and move on.

Last week we had this small discussion at a study session where most of the girls said they’d rather prefer a female doctor and most of the boys said they’d like to get examined by a male doctor, but some guys said they don’t mind whether the doctor is male or female.

One of the guys who is a friend of mine picked a male doctor as his preference and when asked...

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Twitter showing more ads?

Is Twitter rolling out bigger ads and showing ads more regularly on Timelines than what they used to do before?

I’ve been noticing these bigger ads on Twitter, plus the ads pop up on top of my timeline more frequently now both on desktop and mobile. By ads I mean promoted tweets, tweets from businesses and organizations that have paid to be shown to people who are not following them.

One of these ads that showed up will share my email address that I used to sign up on Twitter and my name with the advertisers with just one click.


Plus I’m seeing increasing number of these kinds of ads popping up at the top of my timeline more regularly than usual. Maybe Twitter trying to be more aggressive in their monetizing giving their advertisers more options to gather information from the users and add more customers.

It seems this is a kind of a Twitter card called “Lead Generation Cards”...

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Mobitel bad internet experience

For the past few weeks I’m really having a pretty bad experience with mobitel broadband, I don’t know the reason, first I thought it was due to bad weather disrupting with the signals. However things have stayed the same even after the weather has settled.

I’ve seen people talking on Twitter how their ISP suck, specially the SLT landline broadband (which also runs the Mobiltel wireless broadband that I’m using). It surprised me how good mobitel has been even though their parent company is giving pretty slow internet over land lines. As the saying goes “One country, one kbps”.

I don’t know whether this bad service is because I’ve updated to their new package that promised to give 3 times much data for the same price. Because all this things started happening just after that.

It’s pretty annoying because the slow internet doesn’t happen continuously, they give the normal good internet...

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Interview with a forensic pathologist

These days I’m doing my forensic appointment and today we got to do some presentations, and one of the lecturers that came to observe the presentations was one of my favourite forensic pathologists and I got the chance to ask some questions with him, so I’m posting my conversation down here. So here we go.

Q : Can a forensic pathologist become a good murderer?

A : Well that’s an interesting question, I have never thought about it before, I guess yes a forensic pathologist can be a good killer with his knowledge than an average person.

However most of these murders are done because of sudden anger and instantaneous situations. Therefore in situations like that even a forensic pathologist won’t be able to commit a murder without leaving any evidence.

However if you give me time to plan, like months or an year then yes I’ll be able to commit a murder without getting caught.

Q : Has...

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Bored to do anything.

These days have been pretty boring to me, exams are just 2 weeks away, life is pretty much boring these days, with the stress of the working at the forensic appointment and managing my day with selfish and antisocial batch mates. I’ve tried to post at least single blog post everyday but ran out of ideas so thought of posting a more personal note today.

One of the fun things that’s floating around the university these days is a sex scandal where a guy has accidentally posted a photo in to his facebook account the should not have been made public. By the time the guy found out that there was such a photo being posted it was too late and too many people have seen it already. The guy puts the blame on photo syncing between his phone and Facebook but who knows what really happened.

The heat wave going through the country is pretty amazing, it’s really hot during the day time to do anything...

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MH370 the inevitable has happened.

So today we heard the long expected inevitable story that MH370 is assumed to be crashed somewhere in the southern Indian ocean with no survivors, as time went on this was more or so expected. Either the plane will never be found or the definite proof that the plane has crashed.

So the final conclusion is that MH370 crashed somewhere in the southern Indian ocean west of Perth. This has been assumed from new data coming from satellite data that first predicted that the flight has traveled north or south. They’ve used a new technology never been used in such an investigation before.

However although the story had a sad ending to it, the story still has some unanswered questions that will still go on, may be for years with people trying to find answers and still I feel that we’ll never find the real explanation to what happened to the plane.

I’m pretty baffled by the number of...

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