Ruky +

Random thoughts, random rants

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Online petition to protect Sinhalese people.

An online petiotion on is circulating among Sri Lankans that calls the president to change the laws to protect Sri Lankan, sinhalese people.

The petition is called “Save the Endangered Sri Lankan Sinhala Race and Their Land”, although the title sounds more like a petition to save an endangered species like rhinos. the petition has gotten some popularity among internet users and at the time of writing it only needs 335 more signatures to reach its goal of 2500 signatures.

The petition goes on to say,

Sri Lanka has a Buddhist, Sinhala heritage but respects all religions, with a Sinhala democratic government that promotes peace and equality. Unfortunately, the democratic and pluralistic values of Sri Lanka are killing the Sinhala race. Their kindness is actually destroying them. If Sri Lanka continues to be weak, Sri Lanka will become a Muslim country. This ancient country...

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Teenager arrested for posting hate porn on Facebook

There has been another unfortunate event surrounding Facebook, followed by the streak of events that happened before this that started people talking about censoring Facebook.

This time a teenager was arrested after he has posted nude pictures that he collected from a relationship that he has started with another girl on Facebook. Luckily this time no suicides and the person who did it has been apprehended.

The problem with social networking in this country is that no one properly understands how to use it, unlike us who started using the internet it was a time where people were very reluctant to share their real identities on Facebook and communication was mostly through email. So when social networking came along although it encouraged to share more openly and share everything people were cautious about what and what not to share.

But now a days kids are directly opened to an...

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I read “Facebook is doomed” post every week

Every week there is at least one post about how Facebook has become too bloated and why or how people are leaving Facebook or why it has become too crowded. Today I read this pretty good post on The Verge which sums up the problems really well.

When it comes to the bottom line the problem it’s basically how news feed is too cluttered with unrelated posts and how to make the right stories pop up on the news feed.


Facebook is something more important to users than Twitter, Facebook is more personal where Twitter is mostly public rant. So I think a reverse chronological order timeline is not a good option. Even if you miss a Tweet you won’t mind about it because there is a high chance that it’s something unimportant and you might see the same story from another user Tweeting about it especially if it’s related to news. So it’s important to have a newsfeed that is generated by an...

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Is Medium becoming a walled garden?

Most of unknow medium, a cool blogging platform from the founders of Twitter, one thing that made Medium popular is it’s beautiful editor. Which is still by far the best editor out there.

I liked medium and used it for sometime before I lost interest due to the fact that you can’t build any identity from medium. But still I maintain some collection on medium where others are submitting stories.

Yesterday when I went to medium I was greeted with a screen like this,

It was different from the usual screen because I could see submitted stories that hit the home page, instead I had to sign in to read stories. I think one reason is because they customize the stories on the homepage according to your subscriptions and recommendations. But even though if you are not writing on medium it you still can’t read top stories on the homepage that used to be there without signing in.

If you want...

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BBS and buddhist terrorism

Recently I watched the BBS attacking a press conference organized by multi religious group including some buddhist monks. The video shared by a facebook page has been shared by more than 3300+ times on facebook by different users.

It was a shocker for me personally when most of the Facebook posts by other facebook pages doesn’t reach more than 100+ shares a single racists post has been shared more than 3300+ time on facebook.

Talking about the video the bbs attack was so horrifying, forcing another buddhist monk to apologize on camera and media or else “we’re gonna kill you” kind of approach, personally if I had such a pressure put on me by force I’ll definitely have a nervous breakdown.

Some people specially on Twitter and alternative social networking sites other than Facebook are against BBS, and asks bbs to be banned, or legal action have to be taken against them. However there...

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Mobile apps vs mobile browsers

There is quite a big talk about mobile browsers are dying, which means more users are using apps to access services online Facebook app, Twitter app etc rather than using mobile browser to access Facebook, Twitter etc.

Chris dixon says in a blog post The decline of the mobile web

The likely end state is the web becomes a niche product used for things like 1) trying a service before you download the app, 2) consuming long tail content (e.g. link to a niche blog from Twitter or Facebook feed).

The trend that has been starting to grow in the last 2-3 years is if you’re building something make it an app, make it mobile first, because that’s where most of the teens and internet users are today, always connected via their mobiles. Instagram and many services that got popular recently first launched a mobile app and then started a website.

Apps are heavily controlled by the dominant app...

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Chrome in Windows 8 mode

I’ve gotten a new update to my Chrome browser, and today I noticed they’ve given me a new option called** “Chrome in windows 8 mode”. Once you click it the browser relaunches itself as a separate app like when you are opening a windows 8 music app or modern skype.

It looks somewhat like chromium os, with a dark start menu at the bottom with icons showing Chrome, Gmail, Google search and youtube. When you click the start menu it shows all the browser based apps that you’ve installed on your computer.

It’s more like an operating system within another operating system, I’ve read this metro mode Chrome was coming but I thought it was more like opt in or with a separate download or add on.

I think it’s a smart move by Google, in doing this people will get more and more used to their Chrome os which they are slowly pushing. Also I guess they might (just might) make this metro mode default...

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I unfollowed (almost) everyone on Twitter, and nothing happened.

I was following nearly 600 people on Twitter, slowly accumulated since I first made this account somewhere in 2010. It’s easy to follow people on Twitter, everyday they suggest people on the side bar, and you’re slowly being overflowed with information.

For the past few months my timeline was a mess, I was overloaded with information. What made it worse was that Twitter started showing the original Tweet no matter how old it was if a mutual friend replied to it. And because very few people I knew in real life were on Twitter it was somewhat unwanted information to me.

So I unfollowed every one of them, it took sometime, because following people is easy but unfollowing them was hard. So after I unfollowed all of them I started following the important people one at a time but this time more carefully.

I went to the interactions tab and started following people that actually interacted...

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SSL Heartbleed

SSL heartbleed is a new vulnerability found on the the openssl library, which will allow unauthorized people to steal the data, which is normally protected by the SSL encryption.

The Heartbleed bug allows anyone on the Internet to read the memory of the systems protected by the vulnerable versions of the OpenSSL software. This compromises the secret keys used to identify the service providers and to encrypt the traffic, the names and passwords of the users and the actual content. This allows attackers to eavesdrop communications, steal data directly from the services and users and to impersonate services and users.

Put it in a simple way, means that heartbleed bug will,

  • Allow hackers to steal secret keys used in encryption.
  • Names and passwords of the users.
  • Read the encrypted communications between the service and user.
  • Impersonate a malicious service as the real service.


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The miracle medical device. Why it won’t work.

I was reading this post from Hacker News about an all in one kind of an medical device that will help to manage your body. It’s called GoBe and seems like it will measure your blood glucose levels, calorie intakes, sleep stress levels, hydration etc and helps you to manage them properly.

It has started a campaign on Indiegogo and looks like things are going well for the.


The idea and device looks very innovative but I’m somewhat sceptic about this device. Although it may be able to manage all these things but how accurate will it be in managing my health?

I’ve always wondered why can’t we make an app that we input our symptoms, and examination findings and the app will tell us/doctor the probable diagnosis, and the management plan. We’ve all the data, so why can’t an app get the diagnosis using them? This was an idea that I had, the ultimate health app which I thought will replace...

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